2,000 years ago when the Greeks were up late into the night perfecting democracy, they knew even then, the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and its direct link to a healthy happy and successful life. The right amount of good sleep for your age group will leave you feeling refreshed with good energy levels and better brain power. Get too little sleep and you risk feeling tired and rundown with a greater chance of illness, both physical and mental.

Key Ingredients
There are many key ingredients in getting a good night’s sleep and at the top of the list, is keeping a regular sleep schedule. Our bodies really thrive on routine, so keeping in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle is one of the most important factors in getting that good night’s sleep. If you get to bed at a regular time and wake up at a regular time you’ll feel more refreshed and your body will thank you – Consistency is key! 

See the Light
Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone also regulates your sleep cycle. This important hormone is controlled by light exposure, so it’s very important you get enough natural light during the day to keep you awake and active and less bright light at night to help you feel sleepier. Late nights in front of the computer or TV can suppress the natural production of Melatonin making it difficult to sleep.

If you lead a hectic life in an office like many of us and spend late nights slaving over a hot computer screen, it’s important to make the extra effort to create a relaxing bedtime routine to get you in that sleepy mood. Make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation several hours before your regular sleep time. This will help you let go of the days stresses and promote a good night’s sleep.

Keep it Regular
During the day make sure you eat and exercise at regular times and don’t eat heavy meals or exercise in the evening or right before you’re ready for bed. You’ll need at least 2 hours downtime before bed to sleep soundly, so no heavy late-night snacks before you hit-the-hay.

Beds & Pillows
Decent bedding is another important ingredient to help you get a good night’s sleep. It varies from person to person and what you’re used to but a comfortable bed with the right amount of support and space can make all the difference. 

If you have springs or lumps digging into your back or side and your feet are hanging over the end of the bed, chances are, restful sleep will elude you. If you use a pillow it’s important to invest in one that will suit you. Everyone is different, so finding the right sized pillow with the right support is important. If you wake up regularly with a sore neck it might be time to make a pillow change.

Eat Right, Sleep Tight
We’ve already mentioned some important physical things that can aid in a good night’s sleep and eating is a pretty important one. Diet varies from person to person but having an early dinner in the evening and avoiding rich, fatty and spicy foods just before bed can really help. While your body is hard at work trying to digest heavy foods, it’s difficult for you to get a restful night.

The good old night-cap might seem like a great way to help you nod-off but drinking alcohol before bed reduces your sleep quality and usually results in you waking up during the night as it wears off.

We love our morning coffee to get us up-n-at it, ready for another busy day but too much caffeine and especially later in the day can cause sleep problems up to 12 hours after your last sip. Limit your overall intake if you can and avoid it after lunch altogether if that’s possible. 

Less Liquids
It’s good to stay hydrated but drinking too many fluids before bed will most likely mean more middle of the night bathroom trips, which will really interrupt your sleep patterns. Tea has smaller amounts of caffeine than coffee but they are both pretty strong diuretics, so if you need a drink have a little water in the hours before sleep.

No Smoking
Smoking isn’t great for your health at the best of times but when it comes to sleep, nicotine will keep you stimulated, making it much harder for you to fall asleep. If you’re a regular smoker, you’ll suffer nicotine withdrawal as the night moves on also making it more difficult to get a good night’s rest.

Keep Calm
Atmospheric things like smells, sounds and lights can also have an impact on sleep, so it’s a good idea if you can limit any noise from outside; keep your room as dark as possible and you can even try some aromatherapy and soothing sounds to help you nod-off to a land of sleepy bliss. If loud noise is an issue, try using earplugs or block it out with some more soothing sounds. 

Always remember...
Getting a good night’s sleep is fundamental to a happy, healthy, full and functioning life, so it’s important to cut down on alcohol before bed, stop smoking, eat regularly but never just before bed, keep regular sleeping hours, exercise regularly during the early part of the day, block-out as much light as possible and try to avoid working or watching TV in bed before sleep, and if you’re partial to an afternoon nap, keep any daytime siestas to a 30 to 40 minute power-nap.

If you’re looking for a good night’s sleep with comfortable bedding, head down to METRO Bedding Fair at 
The Centrepoint and see what they have to help you get well on the way to a good night’s sleep! From 6 to 22 March 2015, you can save up to 20% + 15% off on selected mattress from luxury brands like SIMMONS, King Koil, Sealy, Tempur and Four Star! Or you can even upsize your mattress from Queen to King for only $15!

So put on your best pyjamas and head on down to get some very cosy deals, they’ll even throw in a free pillow when you try out their wide selection of beds, while stocks last! Come by to METRO Centrepoint now to find out more!
